Tuesday, February 22, 2011

George Soros Responds To Glenn Beck, Fox News Attacks (VIDEO)

Liberal billionaire George Soros responded to Glenn Beck's frequent attacks on him during an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria that is set to air on this Sunday's episode of "Fareed Zakaria GPS."

Beck has repeatedly cast Soros as the "puppet master" and chief architect of a shadowy group of left-wing people and organizations who are determined to destroy the current geopolitical system and replace it with a "new world order." Beck's statements about Soros' experiences during the Holocaust have proved so controversial that 400 rabbis signed a letter asking Fox News CEO Roger Ailes to "sanction" his host for making them.

Speaking about Beck, Soros told Zakaria, "I would be amused if people saw the joke in it," adding that he thinks Beck is "projecting" the views of Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, and who Soros accused of "telling the people some falsehoods and leading the government in the wrong direction."

Soros said he thinks Fox News "has imported the methods of George Orwell, you know, newspeak, where you can tell the people falsehoods and deceive them."


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