Saturday, March 26, 2011

Curation Nation — Fall of the Machines

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Biblio Tech: Curation Nation ? Fall of the Machines

?People are going to be the new keepers of the flame,? proclaims Steve Rosenbaum, author of Curation Nation, a book that celebrates humans as ?essential software? in today?s technology.

His Big Idea: We need quality filters for the daily data deluge that overflows out of our inboxes, Twitter feeds, blog posts, Google alerts and Facebook notifications.

His Big Solution: A human-filtered Web.

In the curation nation, Rosenbaum says, computerization is on its way out, and people are marching in.

“Journalists are already curators. Or at least the good ones are,? says Rosenbaum, during a chat in a noisy Times Square caf�.

The good news is that we’re curating all the time, whether we realize it or not. Every time we post a video, like a link or comment on a blog post, we are making editorial decisions and curating, says Rosenbaum. In the coming years, the major change in curation will be in how the skill is packaged and sold. And any of us can sell it.

‘Social search has replaced automated feeds. I sort of think Google will be out.’

Rosenbaum spends what might be a little too much time defining curation ? we can all agree that it is humans who select and gather valuable information, based on their qualitative judgment, to organize content that is being aggregated arbitrarily. This concept is rehashed and reinforced until I could pick out an example of curation in my sleep. A great way to get to the Everyman, but a bit gratuitous after the first five times.

But early on one gets a taste of Rosenbaum, the storyteller. Each chapter is a self-contained pocket of narrative, filled with people-centric anecdotes. Stories of familiar media brands and their makers pepper the book �? NBA video archives, the Huffington Post, Myspace.

The history of curation is an especially colorful chapter: The story of Reader?s Digest, the origins of Time magazine and the birth of cable TV speak to a vast, nostalgic audience. The ?success story? element inspires both optimism and curiosity about the coming changes in the new world.

The lively narrative is held together by a cast of characters ? Author and NYU professor Clay Shirky, ?uber-blogger? Robert Scoble, larger-than-life entrepreneur Jeff Pulver and researcher Andrew Blau (whom Rosenbaum says is ?prescient as hell?)

These voices share thoughts, advice and opinions throughout, be it about marketing consumer brands, making money from curation or shouting down the cynics. The most surprising character Rosenbaum says he encountered was digital entrepreneur and journalist Esther Dyson. ?I expected her to be more on the fence, but she jumped right in,? he says.

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Madhumita is a Spring 2011 intern at Wired. She's also an M.A. candidate at NYU's Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP) program

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