Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beyond bin Laden: 10 Top Terrorists Taken Down

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Beyond bin Laden: 10 Top Terrorists Taken Down

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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

U.S. special operations forces raided a comfortable mansion in Abottabad, Pakistan, yesterday, killing Osama bin Laden and capping off a global manhunt that has lasted well over a decade. Bin Laden hasn't been the only one sought. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, a number of senior leaders, associates or fellow travelers fled Afghanistan to take shelter in Pakistan's more populated cities like Rawalpindi where many were captured by U.S. and Pakistani forces. In the years that followed, American drones and special operators found "high value targets" in places like Pakistan's tribal areas or in quiet hideouts in Iraq. The list of targets grew to include leadership of the Pakistani Taliban. Along the way, U.S. officials have used the names and tallies of jihadi leaders captured and killed as markers in the "war on terror." Here are some of their stories in brief.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 operation, Mohammed claimed involvement in at least 31 different plots and was identified as the murderer of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl by the veins in his hand, shown in a grisly video of Pearl's death. He was captured near Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on March 1, 2003, and instantly became the most valuable -- and one of the most-tortured -- detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

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Adam Rawnsley is a former think-tanker and contributor to Danger Room who writes about terrorists, pirates and associated bad guys.
Follow @arawnsley on Twitter.

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